Jonathan Mei
Staff Research Scientist in Quantum AI & ML @ IonQ | first initial [at] last [dot] to
Me in the "wild"
Hi there! Welcome to my little bubble on the net. Here’s a bit about me. [Explain Like I’m 5]
I develop quantum computing algorithms for AI and machine learning. In my previous lives, among other things, I've worked on:
- researching large machine learning models and their scaling behavior to inform supercomputing hardware architecture design
- making photorealistic holograms from light fields using a combination of geometric computer vision, deep learning, and classical image processing
- interpretable machine learning via sparse graph signal processing
- virtual reality controllers for standalone headsets using low-cost, low-power sensors
- computational 3D imaging based on time-of-flight of light
I received my Ph.D. from Carnegie Mellon University in the Electrical & Computer Engineering department in 2018. I was advised by Prof. José M.F. Moura. I received my B.S. and M.Eng. degrees in Electrical Science and Engineering from Massachusetts Institute of Technology in 2013. I was advised by Vivek K. Goyal.
I like to jump, rock climb, fold (not jiggle jiggle) origami, and dabble in other miscellaneous artsy media. I also occasionally enjoy playing tennis, violin, chess, and other board games at an amateur level, and frolicking on top of and underneath water.